
School Photos - Opening Day
Students sit in a biology classroom on their first day
Three students fill out an assignment on their first day
Two students walk around outside
A teacher watches on as her students fill out an assignment
A teacher addresses her students on the first day of school
School Photos - Graduation
School Photos - Grad Parade
The Cholla High School Class of 2024 made memories as they hopped on the school bus in their cap and gowns and marched through the halls of local elementary schools, inspiring the younger students. The high schoolers, filled with pride, high fived students who held up signs they made for their special visitors. The younger students chanted "Cholla, Cholla, Cholla!" as they enjoyed the parades, creating an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. This memorable display aimed to encourage and motivate the younger students to strive for success and dream big.
Cholla grads walk in their caps and gowns towards a line of waiting school buses
A Cholla grad in his cap and gown gives out high fives to elementary students
Two grads smile in their caps and gowns as they hang out the windows of a school bus
Cholla grads smile in their caps and gowns on the school bus
An elementary student holds up a sign reading Way to go class of 2024 for the grad parade
School Photos - Baseball & Softball
A great night for two great games! In a well-attended match-up, the Chargers took on the Warriors for both Girls Varsity Softball and Boys Varsity Baseball on March 4. The results for the Chargers mirrored each other, with the softball win for Pueblo and the baseball win for Cholla.
A Cholla softball player gets ready to pitch.
A Cholla baseball player runs the bases.
A Cholla softball player hits the ball.
A Cholla baseball players throws out a pitch.
Cholla softball players in the outfield have their gloves out to catch the ball
AVID Parent's Night

On Sept 26, 2023 – Organizations offered info at their tables and AVID students presented the work they do in class.

Students listen at the Cholla table while a staff member explains.
Parent and children sign up at the AVID table.
Students ask questions at the AVID table.
Student show off AVID binders while standing in front of a hand-made AVID sign.
A family asks questions at the Native American Student Services table.
Students stand beside lighted AVID sign.
School Photos - Football
Coach Talking to team
Team Running Out on Field
Footbal Game
Football Game
Team Celebrating the win